
Chinese American Citizens Alliance (C.A.C.A.) Portland Lodge membership is open to all regardless of race, religion, political affiliation, or age. Your membership keeps you informed and invited to programs and events that are social, educational and community minded in our community.  We are a non-profit with a mission to serve our community, promote civil rights and civic engagement, and develop youth leadership.  Please review  the lodge’s  bylaws for more details regarding membership and other pertinent information.

Types of Membership

Regular: Regular members must be US citizens and 18 years of age or older.  All regular members are entitled to vote in all lodge elections.

Associate: Associate members consist of non-US citizens or persons under the age of 18 years of age. Associate members do not vote. 

Membership Dues and Policies

Membership is by calendar year, paid dues provides membership from January 1 to December 31.  Membership dues for the current calendar year should be paid by May 1.  Renewal reminders and late payment notifications will be sent by the Lodge Secretary.  New membership and renewal dues for both regular and associate members are $20.00 per person.  

Annually, $15 of each membership payment is sent to National to support National initiatives and programs. 

Membership dues are not tax deductible.

Membership Benefits

C.A.C.A. Portland Lodge members benefits include (but not limited to):

  • C.A.C.A. membership pin

  • Annual Meeting and Holiday Social with gifts and lunch

  • Mid-year Members networking luncheon 

  • Monthly Newsletter

  • Invitation to all programs and events

You can also renew by check (please note 2024 dues) and mail it to C.A.C.A. Portland Lodge, 2211 SW 1st Ave Unit 103, Portland, OR 97201.