12th Annual 1882 Project Celebration
and Educational Event
October 26th | 5-7 PM (dinner service 5-6 PM)
Please join us for the program at 6 pm if you are not able to arrive at 5 pm for dinner.
Portland State University Smith MSU Ballroom
1825 SW Broadway
Please help us get an accurate headcount for the light dinner and complete the RSVP form at your earliest convenience.
Program: Cultural Heritage and Healing Garden at Lone Fir Cemetery and a light dinner
The speaker for the 12th 1882 Project Celebration and Educational Event is Michael Yun, Principal, Landscape Architect, Director of Emergent Methods at Knot Studio. The focus of his presentation will be on the history and design of the cultural heritage and healing garden at the Lone Fir Cemetery. Knot Studio was selected by Metro to design the memorial garden that honors the untold stories at Lone Fir Cemetery.
Metro is creating a cultural heritage and healing garden on ground that was once the Chinese section of the historic cemetery. Learn more about the cultural heritage and healing garden via this link on the Metro website.
Karen Vitkay, Senior Park Planner at Metro will be joining us to showcase the preliminary design of the project.
Background: Portland Lodge has been involved in the 1882 Project, a national initiative to educate Americans about the history and lessons of the historic Chinese Exclusion policy, first enacted by the U.S. Congress in 1882 specifically to bar Chinese and, subsequently, other Asians from immigrating to this country. Not until 1943, when China was needed as an ally in World War II, was the Chinese Exclusion Act repealed. An important goal of the 1882 Project is passage of a Resolution in the 112th Congress acknowledging the injustice caused by the passage of the Chinese Exclusion Acts and making a commitment to protect the Constitutional rights of all people. The 1882 Project was initiated by the Chinese American Citizens Alliance (C.A.C.A.), National Council of Chinese Americans and OCA. The Project supported the passage of House and Senate resolutions that acknowledge and express regret for the Chinese Exclusion Laws.
The Project's larger mission is to educate the American public about the history and consequences of the Chinese Exclusion Laws, their extended impact on persons of Asian descent, and their continuing significance for all Americans.
The Portland Lodge has been holding our 1882 Project Celebration and Educational Event since the passage of the Senate resolution in 2011 that acknowledges and expresses regret for the Chinese Exclusion Laws.
Featured Speaker
Michael Yun
Michael Yun is a registered landscape architect, landscape ecologist, and anti-disciplinary designer pushing the boundaries of traditional approaches to practice. Combining an experimental and explorative process grounded in design justice principles, he leverages progressive methodologies to contribute work consistently oriented towards building a more livable and just future. He is a second generation Chinese American and a member of the Portland Chinese American community. He has spent the past fifteen years planning and designing public parks, plazas, trails, campuses and diplomatic facilities around the world. His current role focuses on harnessing creative force to advance justice in public space, using spatial data to support equity, and developing meaningful community engagement strategies to elevate socially situated cultural knowledge in public decision making processes.